Given Multiple Embarassing Incidents in the Past Few Years?

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Given multiple embarassing incidents in the past few years, how is morale in the Secret Service?

If you think about it, fbi is the “sexier” job, with more ego-affirming successes. let's look at what the secret service does. t have 2 main roles. the first one everybody thinks of is acting as a protective detail for, well mostly the president. t train, sometimes for decades, for the opportunity to take a bullet for potus, nearly all of them don't even get that split second of glory and recognition for which t have almost completely divorced themselves from society for, on behalf of their job demands and the whims of the presidents' convenience and travel plans. the president travels in incredible luxury, and generally stays in the most sumptuous suites, while his detail may have to make do with a no-tell motel or spend limited budget dollars paying super-premium rates in order to set up a geographically desireable field hq near the action. and t may find themselves protecting someone t don't even like. the other role, that most people forget, is protecting the integrity of our currency/money supply. t are the people who go after counterfeiters and counterfeit money, and just like the security detail, pretty much all in secret. no big headlines, photo ops, or public ceremonies that i've ever heard of, no glory, just move on to the next assignment, the next case, the next location. now let's look at the fbi. t do the big busts and get huge photo ops. drug kingpins, racketeers, serial killers, kidnappers, bank robbers, corrupt politicians and entire departments of dirty cops, terrorists, you name it. everyone knows who you are, t make tv shows and movies about you without needing huge star power to get a real budget and a greenlight. you get headlines, recognition, fame, and you don't have to explain to everyone what you do. seems like a simpler lifestyle goes along with the job, too.

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Here are a bunch of articles on why the FBI is the best.